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AMEY Glasgow Schools Rally - Pay Up for Key Workers

Thursday, December 2, 2021

GMB Media Calling Notice: AMEY Glasgow Schools Rally - Pay Up for Key Workers

Where: Outside City Council Chambers, George Square, Glasgow

When: From 9.30AM, Friday 3 December 2021

Cleaners and janitors urge AMEY: “Pay up for key workers”, as strike threat looms across Glasgow’s secondary schools

Secondary school cleaners and janitors from PFI contractor AMEY will rally in George Square tomorrow morning (Friday 3rd December), urging Glasgow City Council to support them in their fight for pay and conditions parity with directly employed local government workers.

Union members are asking management at the controversial services giant, which generated eye-watering group revenues of over £2.1 billion last year, to match the value of the recent offer made to staff who work under the umbrella of COSLA. 

Hundreds of cleaners and janitorial staff who serve Glasgow’s 30 local authority secondary schools, many of whom currently receive hourly minimums of just £9.31 and £10.05 respectively, previously voted by over 95 per cent in favour of strike action.

Three separate 24 hours strikes are now scheduled to take place next week from 00.01 hours to 23.59 hours on Tuesday 7 December, Thursday 9 December, and Saturday 11 December.

GMB Scotland Organiser John Slaven said:

“All school support staff should be valued the same for the vital work they do, so the message is clear: “Pay up for key workers.”

 “The fact AMEY claims to put an “incredibly high value” on the efforts of staff while keeping them mired in low pay is simply not credible – they can more than match our members’ demands.

 “What we want from Glasgow City Council is an effort to ensure AMEY to do the right thing, and a commitment that the council will stand with staff in this fight and not against them.

 “We must make work better for our key workers, and if we are serious about a fair work agenda, then we’ll end two-tier pay and conditions across schools in Glasgow.” 


 Contact: GMB Scotland Organiser John Slaven 07506 703978 or GMB Scotland Communications on 07976 447077.