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GMB calls for council leader to “step up or step aside”

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

GMB calls for council leader to “step up or step aside” as cleansing strike approaches fourth day

Responding to Glasgow City Council officials claims that it is considering using private contractors to collect rubbish amid ongoing strike action, GMB Scotland Senior Organiser Keir Greenaway said:

“The council has repeatedly threatened our members with anti-union laws, but if their officials had any grounds for pursuing this they would have done so.

“But let’s be clear that if the council are using agency staff to try and break this strike action then they would be the ones breaking the law.

“Our members are striking because they have been paid so poorly and treated so badly for too long, and we have tabled serious proposals to reset industrial relations which the council officials have again rejected.

“But where is Glasgow’s political leadership? The silence is absolutely deafening from the council leader Susan Aitken, and she should either step up or step aside.”


GMB Scotland Senior Organiser Keir Greenaway on 07855 017842 or Scotland Communications on 07976 447077.