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GMB urges Susan Aitken to use power for Glasgow’s lowest paid and end cleansing strike

Saturday, November 6, 2021

GMB urges Susan Aitken to use power for Glasgow’s lowest paid and end cleansing strike

Following constructive talks with Glasgow City Council Leader Susan Aitken yesterday, and ahead of further dialogue today (Saturday 6 November) as the city’s cleansing strike enters a sixth day, and with strikers attending the Global Day of Action March in Glasgow later this morning, GMB Scotland Senior Organiser Keir Greenaway said:

“Susan Aitken has the power to end this strike, and there is a big opportunity to make work better for Glasgow’s lowest paid workers.

“Talks with the council leader were far more constructive and productive than previous efforts with the council’s officials, and we hope that continues today.

“The strike is strong, strengthened further by global support, but members’ anger has also been inflamed by the council’s use of contracted labour.

“Workers strike when they are undervalued, disrespected and ignored - no one should be surprised this has happened.

“But if the council can’t recognise and address this anger, then this dispute will grow over the winter months.”


Contact: GMB Scotland Organiser Sean Baillie on 07813 593996 or GMB Scotland Communications on 07976 447077.

Notes to Editors:

Striking cleansing workers will take part in todays’ Global Day of Action March & Rally in Glasgow, as part of the trade union bloc, assembling at Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow, from 11.30AM: