Legal Services
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
You don’t have to give up your GMB membership because you've retired from work. The GMB Retired Members Association (RMA) is just for retired members who want to continue their GMB work. You become a life member of GMB RMA and join thousands of other GMB members who have spare time to organise and be involved in GMB campaigns and activities.
Congress laid down new Rules for Retired Life Members from 1 July 2015:
“If a member retires on or after 1 July 2015, they can apply for free retired life membership within three months of no longer paying contributions in line with rules 45 or 46.”
To qualify, a member has to be permanently retired from paid work, be a member for at least 5 years and apply in writing to become a retired life member of GMB.
Through GMB and its specialist solicitors, members recover millions of pounds in compensation.
The GMB offers a Legal Freephone Service on 0300 333 0303 - further information is available.
When it comes to health and safety, the GMB’s reputation is second to none, with experts at all levels of the organisation.