GMB Scotland Defending Your Interests
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Your Union Is Here For You

Your Union Is Here For You


Dear GMB Member

Your Union Is Here For You

I wanted to take the opportunity to write to every GMB Scotland member in this unprecedented time. Coronavirus poses an exceptional threat to all of us. We don’t set the public health guidelines and we don’t know what the future holds - but it doesn’t mean we take a back seat.

The uncertainty casts a dark shadow over our lives, livelihoods and loved ones. It doesn’t matter if you work in our public services, energy, manufacturing or retail sectors, or whether you are employed, unemployed or retired, whatever your creed, gender, race or sexuality, we are in this as one.

Your trade union organisation isn’t exempt from this either but it is important to me to let you know that whatever happens, your union will be here for you using whatever resources we have to fight for you and alongside you. GMB Scotland will do the best we can for you and your family.

We have always said that our priority is the defence of your interests, it’s been the feature of our message for the last four years. That remains the case now more than ever; making sure employers and governments recognise and respect your basic employment, health and safety and human rights is vital.

Undoubtedly there will be tough times ahead but we will take a no-nonsense approach with any employer that abuses or compromises your pay, safety, security and time. No worker should be exploited or put in danger by negligence. And we will exhaust all the options to sustain jobs and work. It’s about everyone doing the right thing.

I believe it’s never been more important to organise and to stick together. If we look after and fight for each other then not only can we get through this crisis, we can also build something better for when this is over. That’s what hope and solidarity is all about and those are our trade union values.

I just want you to know that your union is here for you, and we will do whatever we can with everything that we have to fight for you.

Details of how to contact your local union offices, update your member details to receive our latest communications, or if you know a colleague who is not a GMB member and wants to join online, can all be accessed here:

Gary Smith

GMB Scotland Secretary