GMB Scotland Defending Your Interests
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GMB Scotland Women's Campaign Unit Blog

National Care Service Consultation

Time and time again, GMB members have been failed by a lack of concern for what is really happening on the front line and Government ministers have happily hidden behind nice promises and their civil servants.

The big question now is, will this government and the political leaders of this country really, truly start listening with urgency?

Listening to the workers. Listening to the public. Listening to the people who receive care.

Celebrating Activist Lawyers

Today marks 10 years since the Equality Act became law. An incredibly important piece of legislation that looked to tackle the many and varied guises discrimination takes but the reality is that any one law will struggle to cover the complicated nature of discrimination.

As society starts to wake up to its failure to recognise the value of women’s work, paid and unpaid, do we need to revisit the laws that should provide the foundation to our legal and industrial battles?

Show You Care

Show You Care began with the idea that we needed a credible piece of work to reinforce and amplify our members’ voices and experiences that are the reality for those working in social care.

The report concluded as the largest and most comprehensive engagement with frontline social care workers undertaken in Scotland to date.

We started with one basic question: What are the biggest barriers you face in delivering quality social care in Scotland?